A few years ago, a friend of ours showed up at an 80's themed party sporting his best Miami Vice getup complete with suede tie up dress shoes. As the night wore on he began to have a back ache that wasn't related to any break dancing. We all had a good laugh as he discovered that the shoes he had purchased at the Salvation Army early in the day had apparently been donated by someone with one leg substantially shorter than the other. One shoe had a 1 inch lift on the heel - making poor Kevin's legs dreadfully uneven. After laughing out loud for some time about this situation, I remember thinking that some folks just should not donate their castoffs.
I must admit that as Dajuan and I pulled into the Goodwill drop off drive through tonight as we made a late night deposit to complete the downsize for today, I chuckled about Kevin's shoe lift mishap. I can't help but wonder if Dajuan's stature (all of 6'9") might deem him ineligible as a Goodwill donor? Not waiting around to ask if there was a clothing size cut off, I stashed our 4 bags of goods in the bin, took a receipt and hit the gas peddle. I figured the 2 bags of gently used girls clothes might off set any problem with the 2 bags of 2XLT shirts and pants.
While I worry that some of you might think I'm wearing out the Easy Button with my Goodwill trips, please know that I put a fair amount of elbow grease into today's downsizing effort. Lest you forget, we are only 1 week post-yard sale and yet we were able to produce 4 bags of clothing, 1/2 bag of trash, and 3 bags of recycling from our 3 bedrooms alone. This is either a sad commentary on our clutter ridden status or a reflection of our new found minimalism. I'll let you choose.
In any case, as you head out to Halloween parties this fall - please keep an eye out for costumes involving big and tall clothing. Chances are, you'll know just where it came from!
Don't forget that Little "E" isn't the only one who can receive hand-me-downs - I have big "J" here too!! LOL