Knitting is when of those hobbies that I pick up for a bit and then drop for a while. I've been off of it for awhile and don't anticipate picking it up anytime soon with my current daily task of getting rid of one thing and then writing a mini essay about the experience. Let's just say that free time is not an abundant commodity right now.
During one of my more active knitting phases several years ago I happened upon a shipment of quality yarn at dirt cheap prices at Marden's. Heeding the warning in their slogan, I went ahead and bought it when I saw it. The lure of the Almighty Bargain got me again! Since purchasing this boat load of yarn, I have stored it neatly in a plastic tub at the bottom of the guest room closet. Since then, I have not completed one scarf, sweater, or potholder from the yarn that I purchased. As I counted and tallied the cost of the mountain of yarn today, I was shocked to discover that I had spent over $35 on the skeins. Mind you, that purchase was made based on how much I was saving. Thank goodness I have discovered that shopping for bargains is not the path to riches. Thank the Lord also that Mardens is no longer located less than a mile from me!
Not wanting the yarn to go to waste I offered it to the art teacher at Hall School. She was happy to accept it to use in her knitting club as well as for stringing name tags. Phew, my $35 is going to go to good use after all.
As I left for the school this morning, I contemplated donating the plastic tub along with the yarn. This time I succumbed to the pressure - namely my affinity for Rubbermaid tubs. I shoved the yarn in a straw bag and stowed the plastic bin in the basement with the others that I have emptied. I guess I'll tackle one addiction at a time!
hey. ive been following a long and im so impressed. its inspiring! when i move into a house and unpack all my boxes from storage i think im gonna just in with you.
ReplyDeletegooooooo amy!
Hey Bethany! Thanks for following along. I can't wait to hear about you delving into those boxes!