Friday, August 27, 2010

Hand Me Down Kids

As I opened the Portland Press Herald the other day I read a depressing ditty in the financial section. It seems that certain indicators are pointing to a returning recession. Apparently, this is on the heels of what looked like we were starting to creep out of the first recession. I get the vivid picture of a major storm that begins to head out to sea and then circles back to hit the village it just left. Funny though, to many families it may feel like this awful economic time has hovered like an ominous black cloud that hasn't even begun to move off shore. Kind of like living in Seattle (although according to this chart, Cleveland Ohio has the most rain of any city in the U.S.).

My dear cousin Katie and her family have endured a most challenging few years due to job loss and worsening economic times. Like many families she and her husband were struck by long term unemployment and the burden of substantial bills and living expenses. The good news is that after over one and a half years there is light at the end of the tunnel. Katie's hubby has a new job and they have secured a cozy apartment for their growing family. After living with her parents through a bulk of this trying time, they seem anxious to get back to life under their own roof. Who could blame them!

There seemed little that we could do as Katie and her husband plodded through their journey. One small offering we have made is a steady stream of hand-me-downs for their daughter who turned 1 year in the spring. As I discussed here hand me downs can be tricky. As luck would have it, Little "E" fits right into my three rights rule. Infact, Little Dee (as we call Kendra) and Little "E" have almost identical toddler physiques making our hand-me-downs a great fit most of the time. Today seemed like the perfect occasion to hand off a bag of fall duds as Katie did a whirlwind tour of Southern Maine saying her goodbyes before heading to the big apple. While I missed the actual trading of goods, I left my downsize in the capable hands of Kiera. She also took a photo but technology is failing me tonight so you'll have to go without an image tonight.

And so, whether the storm circles back, taking a second swipe at Kate's family or if it is finally moving out to sea for good they are heading in a fresh new direction. This has to feel like a victory! And, they can rest assured that Little E will have a great outfit - no matter what life hands them next. Thank goodness for hand me downs. Best wishes to Kate and her family!


  1. Yay for Katie. We are pulling for her too.

  2. So I'm finally catching up on your blog and want to thank you for all of your support and love through this "storm." We love you and your hand-me-downs! Sorry we missed each other on this day but look forward to seeing you soon! Your blog is inspiring and you're a very entertaining writer! xo
