Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Less Periodically

When I received a work email from the receptionist in the surgery waiting area requesting magazines for patients and families I sprung into action. What a perfect idea for reusing the magazines we have read! A quick casing of our bedroom and bathroom resulted in 1 June issue and 2 July issues that we were finished perusing. After covering our identifying information, I brought them to work with me today and proudly fanned them out on one of the empty end tables in the waiting area. I'm not sure if anyone else is donating Parents magazine but I'm hedging my bets that here in Portland, Maine we may be one of few families with extra copies of Ebony hanging around.

While I'll only count this as 1 downsize I am dedicated to passing on our used periodicals on a monthly basis. I can't say that I am a certified tree hugger (after all I must assist in keeping my dad employed at a paper mill for the next 17 months until he retires), but I do err slightly on the green side of things by recycling and reusing when able. After some brief research I found staggering statics in this article regarding the terrible abuse and overuse of paper in the magazine industry. At least my monthly reusing pledge may make some small contribution to change. Baby steps are better than no steps at all, right?

As I was Googling around earlier today I learned that kids all over America are taking on The Catalog Canceling Challenge. What a superb effort to get kids excited about decreasing their environmental impact. You know I am a sucker for a personal challenge so count me in kids. I hereby vow to stop the delivery of all unwanted catalogs that currently arrive in my mailbox. To my recollection, I have called 2 so far this week. With the holidays looming, I anticipate the opportunity to take myself off of many more mailing lists. Bah -humbug!


  1. I did that Amy. It's not as easy as you think. And, I still get some! But on the other hand, some companies were thankful that I canceled.

  2. I had over 60 Runners World Magazines that I just couldn't throw away for some reason...I've been collecting since 2005 I think. I put them up on Craigslist for free and had 10 responses almost immediately. I did the same for my old Cooking Light and Cooks Illustrated Magazines that, as much as I'd like to, I will never make anything out of them. I've also been bringing my Parents magazines to the waiting room at work. Great idea!

  3. Wow Christy - you have me beat! What a great idea to post all those back issues on Craigs List!
